Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Do I Make A Comment?

Here's how you can participate by commenting on a post of mine, or on another person's comment. Note that I have to approve it before it is made available to all -- this is simply how I can limit participation to FCC-related people.

-- Ralph

1. go to www.ralphdbs2.blogspot.com

2. At bottom of the article, click on the word "comments" (there are 0 comments)

3. Type in your comment

4. There is a drop-down after Comment As.

5. Choose "Name/URL"

6. Type in your name; leave URL field blank

7. Click on Post Comment or Preview

8. Continue

9. Type in the Word Verification

10. Click on Post Comment

11. You then get a message that the comment will post as soon as Ralph OKs it. All comments will go through me.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great group and I'm sorry I can't be there to discuss this with you. But I'm hoping to follow from a distance (about 500 miles, from Louisville Kentucky). A wonderful summary of Barrett's book so far and what's at stake in thinking about (religious) thinking.

    Brad Wigger
